Milk Powder

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The Canno Fortified Milk Powder is packed with vitamins and minerals to help support healthy growth and development. It features premium-quality ingredients to support bone development.

  • Weight : Available in 2.5 Kilograms, 900 Grams & 25 Grams Sache
  • Format: Powder
  • Canno is a dry whole milk with added vitamins and minerals to help support healthy growth and development.
  • No added preservatives or colours
  • Designed to support bone development.

Canno & Gallad Milk Powder is high in calcium, protein, minerals, and vitamins needed for a child’s growth and development. It offers numerous scientifically proven advantages that cannot be ignored. Upon evaporating liquid milk, we produce powdered milk.

This pasteurized, evaporated and spray dried cow’s extra grade instant full cream milk powder contains approx. 28% fat content. Instant full cream cow milk powder is 100% instant, dissolves immediately in water and is available in all consumer packs. All milk products can be formulated with it, including milk drinks, tea, coffee, yoghurt, sweets, etc.

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